We’ve been there. The smell of your blender is disgusting, and you don’t want to use it because the thought makes you cringe. Or maybe you just really need to wash that thing out and are lost on what steps to take first? We’re here with a guide for cleaning a ninja blender base so that it’s as good as new in no time!
Is It Important to Clean Ninja Blender Regularly?
Yes! A clean blender will be less sticky and residue-prone. It’ll also result in a more powerful blend, because there are no chunks of food or gunk coating the blades.
A Clean Blender is Essential to Cooking Success: Your ninja blender is one of your most essential kitchen appliances that you need for everyday cooking success. With it, you can make everything from soups and sauces to pizza doughs and batters without any hassle!
But with all these heavy duty tasks comes an equal measure of responsibility – namely cleaning out your appliance regularly so that it stays fresh as new.
How to Clean Ninja Blender in a Proper Way?
It’s important to clean all of the parts of your blender on a regular basis. However, you should take extra care when it comes to cleaning out the base because this is where most of the gunk and residue will be found.
What Will You Need to Clean Ninja Blender?
- A toothbrush, preferably with a long handle to reach deep into the base and all of its crevices. It’s important not just for cleaning out dirt but also scrubbing off any hardened food particles that may have stuck onto it from previous batches.
- Bowls or pans filled halfway with warm water in which you can soak your brushes (or an oven cleaner if you’re feeling brave). You can use detergent as well – about half a cup should do. Mix thoroughly before setting aside.
- Cleaning cloths or sponges either dry or moistened with hot soapy water will help wipe away stubborn stains along the edges of blender blades and inside corners.
Prior Steps to Cleaning
- Be sure to let your blender cool before handling it. If you don’t, the metal will be very hot and can cause a nasty burn on contact with skin.
- Remove any food particles that are still stuck in the blades by pulsing them for about three seconds at a time while scraping around the inside of the base with an old butter knife or spatula (again, not touching anything) so they’re easier to remove later. Rinse well afterward as this area is bound to get pretty messy again when cleaning out dirt from crevices below those blades.
- Wipe down all surfaces, including where blade meets jar and blade assembly has been removed from jar; there may have been some sloppy drips when you removed the blades.
- Fill a sink or bucket with warm water and dish soap, then place your base inside it for about six hours to soak – this will allow any dirt that has been left on the outside of the jug to dissolve away. When finished soaking, use an old scrubbing brush (a toothbrush can work too) and some elbow grease to get those tough spots below blade assembly areas where there might still be food particles stuck in crevices; rinse thoroughly afterward.
- To get rid of odors from onion/garlic aromas, pour white vinegar into container before putting metal pieces back together so they are soaked overnight; do not put vinegar over top of blender jar as this may damage sealant
Process of the Cleaning the Blender Jar
- Take the blender jar off of its base and soak it in soapy water for about six hours to dissolve any dirt that’s been left on the outside of your container.
- After soaking, use a scrubbing brush (or toothbrush) with some elbow grease to get those tough spots underneath blade assembly areas where there might still be food particles stuck in crevices. Rinse thoroughly afterward.
- To get rid of odors from onion/garlic aromas, pour white vinegar into container before putting metal pieces back together so they are soaked overnight; do not put vinegar over top of blender jar as this may damage sealant._ _Note: You can also just wash out the inside part instead if you don’t want to wait overnight.
- Finally, rinse the jar with soapy water and dry it off by hand or in a dish drainer before putting it back on its base again._ _ ____Note: Be sure that you have dried any excess soap from inside your container as this will make for slippery surfaces when assembling for use.
Blender Jar Cleaning Tips
When removing blade assembly, always be careful not to put pressure up against the walls of the blender jar’s lid; if desired, loosen blades at bottom first before pulling out upward and away from the blender jar surface (in order to prevent any food particles from getting stuck underneath). This can extend life of both plastic pieces while also making cleaning more easy!
Step 1: Blend with Dish Soap
In order to clean the exterior, start by adding a few tablespoons of dish soap (e.g., Dawn) and some water in your container with blade assembly still attached.
Step 2: Remove Tough Stains with Lemon Juice
After about two minutes, add a tablespoon of lemon juice and blend again for another minute.
To remove tough stains on the exterior or blade assembly’s plastic pieces (e.g., dish soap residue), mix one part vinegar to three parts water in container with blades still attached. Pour mixture over top and let it sit there until the stains are gone before rinsing off any remaining liquid from surface with warm tap water.”
Step 3: Scrub and Clean the Jar with Dish Soap
For a sanitary, clean blender jar, start by filling it with warm water and dish soap. Scrub the inside of the base with a sponge or cloth while running the blending arm in circles around it to loosen any debris.”
Rinse off your container thoroughly after cleaning with hot tap water. Dry completely before putting away for later use. ”
How to Deal with Very Stubborn Stains?
The most common stains are from dried up food chunks and oils that have built up inside the blender jar over time. To remove these, mix one part vinegar to three parts water in a container with blades still attached. Pour mixture over top and let it sit there until the stain is gone before rinsing off any remaining liquid from surface with warm tap water.”
Steps: Fill your blender base with hot soapy water then use sponge or cloth to scrub around Blade Assembly while arm moves in circles. Rinse thoroughly after cleaning out all traces of soap residue, dry completely before putting away for later use.
How to Deal With Very Stubborn Stains? Mix one part vinegar to three parts water in a container with blades still attached. Pour mixture over top and let it sit there until the stain is gone before rinsing off any remaining liquid from surface with warm tap water.”
Cleaning the Ninja Blades and Other Small Parts
This is best done with a toothbrush or other small brush. To keep the blades and their attachments clean, be sure to rinse them off after each use.”
Steps: Rinse all parts thoroughly immediately after using in order to avoid food residue left on surfaces which can lead to clogs and eventual breaking of arm due to friction between moving parts while blending.
When cleaning head, turn it upside down; this way accumulated gunk will fall into bowl below instead of being pushed back up onto Blade Assembly where it may become lodged and start rubbing against assembly causing damage.”
To remove stains from base container that are not coming off easily, try soaking it in hot soapy water then wiping dry before putting away for later use
Cleaning the Motor Part or Base
The motor of the blender is a heavy duty machine, and cannot be submerged in water like the rest of the parts. Instead use a damp cloth to wipe down.”
In order to remove stubborn stains or places where food has been stuck for long periods you may need to use commercial kitchen cleaning products with bleach if needed.
Be sure not to submerge base container itself into these cleaners as it will damage plastic materials and ruin any warranty that comes with purchase. If necessary, place pot inside larger dishpan before adding cleaner then using sponge and hot water on surface.”
To avoid excess wear-and-tear from dirt buildup, always clean after each use! ”
Final words
We hope this guide has helped you learn how to clean your Ninja blender. If it did, be sure and share the knowledge with others by linking back to this blog post so that they can use these tips as well. Now get out there and make some delicious smoothies!